Charter of Corporate Behavior


Chapter 1 Sustainable Economic Growth Solving social issues

We will develop and provide products and services that are useful and safe to society through innovation, and strive for sustainable economic growth and the resolution of social issues.

1-1 Strive for innovation toward the realization of Society 5.0.

1-2 Ensure the quality and safety of products and services.

1-3 We will strive to develop and maintain sustainable and resilient social infrastructure, and actively develop it.

1-4 We will strive to strengthen the regional industrial base based on the situation and characteristics of the region.

1-5 While striving to protect personal information, we will strive to create innovation through the utilization of data.

1-6 We will instill the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and make appropriate use of intellectual property.

1-7 Engage in open innovation and collaboration with stakeholders.

Column Society 5.0 through the fusion of cyberspace and real space

Chapter 2 Fair Business Practices

We will engage in fair and free competition, appropriate transactions, and responsible procurement. In addition, we will maintain sound relationships with politics and government.

2-1 We will thoroughly comply with competition laws within the company.

2-2 Establish appropriate trading policies and promote responsible procurement to support the development of a sustainable society.

2-3 We will establish the necessary systems to ensure thorough compliance with laws and regulations concerning security export control.

2-4 We will not engage in bribery for the purpose of obtaining unfair profits.

2-5 We will build highly transparent relationships with politics and administration, and support the realization of policy-oriented politics.

Chapter 3 Fair Information Disclosure, Constructive Dialogue with Stakeholders

We will proactively, effectively and fairly disclose corporate information, engage in constructive dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders surrounding the company, and improve corporate value.

3-1 We will make appropriate disclosures and strive for constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors through Investor Relations (IR) and Shareholder Relations (SR) activities and general meetings of shareholders.

3-2 Strive to prevent insider trading.

3-3 Disseminate information to stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner.

3-4 Build relationships of trust through ongoing dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders.

Chapter 4 Respect for human rights

We will carry out management that respects the human rights of all people.

Column Background and three pillars of the establishment of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

4-1 Understand and respect internationally recognized human rights and fulfill our responsibilities as a company.

4-2 Develop a policy that respects human rights and express commitments both inside and outside the company.

4-3 Implement human rights due diligence appropriately, depending on the nature of the business and the severity of the risk of negative impact on human rights.

4-4 We will prevent the occurrence of human rights violations, and if they do occur, we will promptly try to correct them.

4-5 We will contribute to the creation of an inclusive society by collaborating with various stakeholders and supporting the independence of socially vulnerable people who are vulnerable to human rights violations.

Chapter 5 Relationship of Trust with Consumers and Customers

Providing appropriate information and sincere communication to consumers and customers regarding products and services, and gaining satisfaction and trust.

5-1 Provide appropriate information on products and services to support consumers’ independent choices and decisions.

5-2 We will sincerely respond to inquiries from consumers and customers, and reflect their voices in the improvement and development of products and services.

Column SDGs Goal 12 “Responsibility to create and responsibility to use”

5-3 Promote the spread of universal design.

Chapter 6 Work style reform, enhancement of work environment

Improve the capabilities of employees and realize work styles that respect diversity, personality and individuality.

In addition, we will create a comfortable working environment that takes health and safety into consideration.

6-1 Promote diversity inclusion by building a personnel and treatment system that enables the employment and active participation of diverse human resources.

6-2 Promote employment management and treatment without discrimination or unreasonable disparity.

6-3 Review work styles and promote work-life balance.

6-4 Respect the individuality of employees and support career development and skill development.

6-5 Prevent occupational accidents and promote health-conscious management.

6-6 Dialogue and discuss directly with employees or with representatives of employees in good faith.

Chapter 7 Efforts to Address Environmental Issues

Addressing environmental issues is a common issue for all humankind, and we will act proactively as an essential requirement for the existence and activities of companies.

Column Keidanren’s voluntary efforts to address environmental issues

7-1 Work to build a low-carbon society.

7-2 Work on the formation of a recycling-oriented society.

7-3 Work on environmental risk measures.

7-4 Promote efforts to conserve biodiversity.

Chapter 8 Contribution to Social Participation and Development

As a “good corporate citizen,” we will actively participate in society and contribute to its development.

8-1 Gain mutual trust with stakeholders through activities that take into account the characteristics of the culture, religion, and traditions of the local community.

Column Fusion and division of roles between business activities and social contribution activities

8-2 In promoting social contribution activities, we will identify the social issues to be prioritized and the management resources that the company can invest in them, based on the company’s management philosophy.

8-3 Collaborate and collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders such as NPOs / NGOs, local communities, governments, and UN agencies to contribute to the development of society.

8-4 Support employee volunteer activities.

Chapter 9 Thorough Crisis Management

Thorough systematic crisis management in preparation for the actions of antisocial forces that threaten civilian life and corporate activities, terrorism, cyber attacks, natural disasters, etc.

9-1 Establish a systematic crisis management system.

9-2 Clearly set out a basic policy to eliminate antisocial forces and establish an internal system.

9-3 In order to prevent damage caused by antisocial forces, the entire company will respond in accordance with the law in cooperation with related organizations.

9-4 Work on crisis management and countermeasures against the threat of terrorism.

9-5 Strive to ensure cyber security.

9-6 Build and respond to disaster preparedness.

Chapter 10 Roles of Top Management and Thorough implementation of this Charter

Top management recognizes that the realization of the spirit of this charter is their role, and builds effective governance to ensure that it is well known within the company and to group companies. At the same time, encourage the supply chain to act in the spirit of this Charter. In the event of a situation that goes against the spirit of this Charter and loses the trust of society, top management will take the initiative in solving problems, investigating the cause, preventing recurrence, etc., and fulfilling its responsibilities.

10-1 Top management expresses its commitment to the realization of the spirit of the Charter of Corporate Behavior.

Column How to incorporate SDGs into management

10-2 Establish a governance system that ensures management soundness, efficiency, and transparency.

10-3 Establish a company-wide approach system to ensure thorough corporate ethics and enhance its effectiveness.

10-4 Establish and utilize a corporate ethics helpline (consultation desk) that is independent of the normal command system, which will lead to improvement of corporate behavior.

10-5 Thoroughly disseminate the spirit of the Charter of Corporate Behavior to our company and group companies.

10-6 Encourage the supply chain to act in the spirit of the Charter of Corporate Behavior.

10-7 In the unlikely event of an emergency, we will endeavor to promptly investigate the facts, investigate the cause, and prevent recurrence under the direction of top management. We will promptly and accurately disclose information to society and carry out accountability, clarify our authority and responsibilities, and take strict punishment including ourselves.

Reservation / inquiry by phone
【Reception time】10:00~18:00(Also accepts weekends and holidays)
